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“July has arrived...


...go forth and thrive!”

Happy July!

It definitely hasn’t been a particularly sunny month so far, but let’s hope for more sunshine and warmer weather in August…consequently, I think that we can all empathise with the opening quote to this blog…Nevertheless, despite the lack of sunshine and seemingly persistent rain, just like the flowers and Nature all around us, in the same way we can take the opportunity to thrive…

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”

American professor, author, and podcast host Brené Brown spoke the words above which made me consider again the importance of our attitude towards ourselves and how we should view ourselves. July 24th is International Self Care Day, a day which emphasises the importance of self-care as part of wellness. The celebration of this day has been encouraged across nations to emphasise that the advantages of self-care can be felt at any time of night or day, seven days a week, twelve months a year, regardless of the season. The benefits of self-care last a lifetime and are not limited to a single day. In the same way, we should take time for self-care every day to ensure that there are measures in our busy daily lives. Whether it is the time just before we sleep, or the early morning when we wake, we can connect with ourselves and the importance of taking care of ourselves.

One thing which I have clearly observed recently is the impact of wet weather during the so-called "summer months". We may be expecting: sunny evenings out with friends, family and loved ones…food and drinks outdoors…strolls along rivers…reading a book on the grass…

A little optimistic for Britain perhaps, but we have enjoyed good weather in recent years.

Given that the rainy weather in the UK has prevented many of these activities, it has been important to find other hobbies and pleasures during the day. And sometimes, the best plans can be made on the day…take a look out of the window and think about what might make you smile…

I have noted down some suggestions which may help you increase your self-care routines:

-writing down a list of your passions (eg. reading, writing, playing music) and choosing to do 30 minutes of that each day

-getting a hot drink of your choice (hot chocolate, fruit tea) and watching Nature outside your window

-spending 30 minutes outdoors in the countryside and surrounded by Nature

-connecting with your breath during a yoga session

-doing more activities by candlelight to reduce screen time and especially before going to bed

-baking and cooking to experiment with flavours

-taking time to be quiet and be at rest with yourself

Many of these things may seem indulgent and selfish, but are important for a balanced life, where you are as important as your loved ones.

During my time spent researching and considering the blog for this month,I came across the following poem, which I encourage you to read and reflect on:

To heal oneself is a courageous feat,

To face our pain, and rise to our feet.

To find peace within, and love ourselves,

And protect our hearts from being shelved.

For happiness comes from within,

And it's not dependent on external din.

It's a choice we make, and a state of mind,

A treasure we discover, when we are kind.

To ourselves, our thoughts, and our heart,

And to make self-love, our life's work of art.

To stay strong, and believe in our power,

And to rise above, when life seems sour.

For we are capable of so much more,

And our strength and resilience, we must adore.

To stay grounded, and never lose sight,

Of our worth, and our purpose, shining bright.

Love ourselves, and protect our hearts,

And set boundaries, where love departs.

For we deserve a life that's kind and true,

And with self-love, we'll find our way through.

Through the storms, and the calm seas,

With a heart that's strong, and a soul at ease.

We'll discover a life that's full of bliss,

With self-love as our guide, and our compass.

So much of the poem resonates with me and the rhyming couplets add extra character and stillness to the overall feel of the poem. I especially connect with the final stanza which portrays a vivid image of the serenity and turmoil of the sea which can change abruptly, but importantly how our self-love can guide us and direct us through life. Here is a clear description about the importance of self-love and self-care and how we can remain steady and unaltered, no matter what life throws at us.

I am delighted to say that I have continued with more episodes of my own mini podcast-type series @snippetswithsitara which featured stars from every walk of life, talking about their own life experiences, how they deal with their challenges and their advice for future generations…as we head towards the end of the first season, I would encourage you to look back and listen to a range of the amazing guests I have interviewed….

I am always looking for new individuals to feature in this series, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any suggestions!

Please follow the account on Instagram and TikTok to receive the latest updates and episodes!

Thank you for all your continued support for the foodie brand Instagram account. Recently, I have been experimenting with different traybake recipes as they are simple and easy to do, and not as time-consuming as one may imagine…As I look towards competing at the RS200 Nationals at East Lothian Yacht Club in early August, I am enjoying being supported by Boostball and their range of products; you can find more information about the brand and their products on the website.

Thank you for all your continued engagement with the posts and do let me know if you have any creative ideas that you would like me to try!

I conclude this blog of July with the following uplifting quote:

“Rise above the storm: you will find the sunshine”

Lots of love and remember yourself,

Sitara xxx



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